- Budget spent: £1,660
- Status: Implemented
In the autumn of 2020, we supported Alladale Wilderness Reserve and the Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation in building eagle nest platforms in Scottish pinewoods. The nests aim to promote breeding among the resident population of golden eagles and support the return of white-tailed eagles, two birds of prey of conservation concern in the UK. This project was funded through the business membership of our partner Inlumi.
Project Timeline
July 2021
A field report on the wildlife seen at the nest from camera trap footage revealed an exciting variety of guests.
read moreOctober 2020
The second nest site is identified. Construction of the two eagle nest platforms is completed and cameras are installed to monitor the activities at the site.
read moreLearn more about why we are building nest platforms for eagles
A History of Persecution
Historically, white-tailed sea eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) and golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) could both be found patrolling the skies of Scotland. Around 100 years ago when white-tailed eagles were eradicated from Britain primarily through persecution due to its reputation of predating lambs. Golden eagles were also persecuted for predating lambs as well as economically valuable game birds until it was eradicated from England and Wales. Habitat loss and pesticide poisoning also played a role in the decline of these species. In the 1970s, reintroduction efforts began to return white-tailed eagles to Scotland using birds from Norway while golden eagle populations in Scotland have soured through. In 2019, a white-tailed sea eagle was spotted at Alladale Wilderness Reserve and stayed in the area for several weeks for the first time since their disappearance. A pair of golden eagles have already made the reserve their home.

Supporting Native Predators
In partnership with Alladale Wilderness Reserve and the Roy Dennis Foundation, Mossy Earth funded the construction of artificial nest platforms to encourage these magnificent birds of prey to nest on the reserve and support the local population of these rare species. The project involved building 2 artificial nest platforms, each targeted towards a species. After identifying suitable areas of the reserve for the nests, construction began in Autumn 2020 in time for breeding the following spring. Camera traps were installed on the platforms to monitor the activity at the nests and identify any species that visit the sites within the first year.

the team behind the project

Hannah Kirkland, Conservation Biologist at Mossy Earth
Hannah with the Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation crew
Sources & further reading
- “A Manifesto for Rewilding the World” - George Monbiot
- “Rewilding Success Stories” - The Guardian